Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lang's Beach Area - Oct 16 to Oct 19

On the way up to Lang's Beach we spied a cememtary that looked interesting. All the stones were facing out to sea. A lot of the family names were Scottish and some of the deceased were from Nova Scotia. We learned later that the nearby town had been settled by immigrants from there who had been forced to leave Scotland, left Nova Scotia because it was too harsh, and tried Australia before ending up in New Zealand.

Mike and Linda offered up their beach house for us to stay at and we took full advantage of it, staying for 4 nights. It was a fantastic place looking out onto the ocean with the sound of the surf putting you to bed each night. We enjoyed just relaxing about, walking on the beach, and sleeping in. The stars were amazing here and we took the opportunity to learn some of the southern constellations and even saw some of the Orionid meteor shower.

North of the beach house was the town of Waipu which had some caves. We stopped by with the intent of going in them but found that our headlamps were a bit dim and there was a fair amount of water that we had no idea how deep it was. We returned the next day armed with fresh batteries for our headlamps and a better torch (flashlight). The water was now low enough that you could see the bottom (had only been 8" deep previously but we couldn't tell that). We tramped through the cave, sometimes in the water but mostly on muddy rock. Inside there were stalagtites and mites and even little glowing worms. They showed up as little green dots on the cave ceiling. When you turned out your light it almost felt like being outside with the glowworms being like stars. I really got a kick out of the caving since in the States everything is "Don't touch" or "Stay Out". Here you could explore as you wanted and touch the stuff that looked like a pile of mud to find out it was just a solid pile of minerals left behind. Megan halfway expected Gollum to pop out and ask for his Precious.

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